Monday, July 11

Oh Mercy

Let me start out by setting the tone:

-At 6 am this morning it was 80 degrees..
-Grinding my teeth all night was NOT a good idea.
-A raccoon tried to attack Kirra(Border Collie) on our way to feed calves this morning.
-I hate raccoons.
-I'm sweating.
-My brother Mack(aka Mercy) is right in front of me gearing up to shoot "these here coons"..and it's his birthday!!!!!

Happy Birthday Mercy!!!

At this very moment he is standing in front of me telling a story, waving his gun, and I'm scared.
He tried to make me bark.
He just pointed with his gun.
I'm sweating.

Anyway, Mercy is my bud.
My bro.
My underpaid(as in NOT paid) employee.

He is telling me about grenades.
I'm sweating.

We were talking about Eddie bringing his gun up here and I just broke out into a little Steven Tyler tribute "Eddie's got a gun...."
It was underappreciated.

So what can I say about Mercy?
He puts up with me.
It is because of him that I realized that I'm not mean..I'm just intense.
I have an "intense" delivery...I don't yell.
He gave me the nickname "blanca diablo"..whatever..

Mercy is the best really.
There is a special place in my heart for him and you should save a spot for him as well.
Wanna know why?
Because in a world(OK town, but probably world too) full of selfish, spoiled, "entitled" kids he is different.
He is good and I'm so proud to be his sister.

He is like 8 feet tall, OK 6, and has a heart of gold.
He tries to hug me and I run.
He has NO concept of time.
If I am ever mean to him I immediately feel so bad that I want to cry.
True story.
I love him.

So Happy Birthday Mercy!
See you at 3:30 this afternoon to feed calves..who am I kidding..see you at 3:40;).

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