Wednesday, August 22

It's Going to be Alright

You know this "blog thing" that I do here?  I was trying to explain it to someone and I had a hard time.
"It's about cows, milking cows, cow antics, cats, kittens, cooking and life."
That's the best I could do.  Let's describe it as more of a buffet of thoughts, feelings, experiences and ideas.  I like describing it as a "buffet" because sometimes you get lucky and they put out out fresh cornbread, but other times all you get is watery jello salad.  Yuck.

Anyway, what I am trying to say is that today it's not about cows or cooking.  I felt compelled to write about something else, and I wanted to scare prepare you.  You are so welcome.

Nine times out of ten the news is bad.  Bad things are happening across the nation and in our hometowns.  This is true.  Bad things are happening in our lives each day.  Inexplicable tragedies consume us.  Don't they? 

This week our county has experienced terrible heartache.  Heaven received new Angels to watch over us.  I did not know these people, but from what I have heard it was my loss.  One was very young, the other beautifully selfless.  One of them was in law enforcement and my husband knew him personally.  Needless to say the loss of a friend has struck our house and is weighing heavily. 

Yesterday, when I had finished feeding calves and was headed to the dairy barn, I got a notification on my phone that I had a new "friend request" from the Facebook.  You know the Facebook, right?  Youand955BILLIONothers. 

Anyway, after responding to the request, the Facebook gave me a list of "suggested friends".  I couldn't take one more step, I was frozen.  My breath caught in my throat while I scrolled down the endless list of people who were "suggested" that might have a common interest as me.  Every single person had changed their profile picture to a picture honoring this fallen officer.  Every single person on the list.  I got chills. 

You tell me there's no hope.  You tell me to give up faith in humanity and I'll show you a bottomless list of reasons not to.  We may pass each other and feel like strangers but we share a common interest.  Love.

 Through many dangers, toils and snares
I have already come;
'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far
and Grace will lead me home.


1 comment:

  1. i love it, i love your post, i love your pics, i love your good ole country cookin girl! you are a blessing in my life to be able to read your blog and taste your sweet treats you send to the office! you need to open a bakery!
    nuff about that.
    Comradery has a new meaning in my life. I cannot begin to describe the emotions from every aspect of that experience. OVerwhelming..i wish the entire community could have experienced what we were so blessed to see today...comradery. brotherhood. "I would not have wanted to be anywhere else" the exact words my mother spoke. gave me chills.. the impact it had on my mother..the mother of a law enforcement officer was indescribable.


Lay it on me..